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Funeral Services

ISNF has made the following arrangements for funerals


  1. If someone passes away and the family members want to hold the Janazah at Masjid An-Noor, please contact Br. Raheemuddin, ( or call 716-688-8855. Br. Raheemuddin is in-charge of the funeral arrangements at ISNF.

  2. Masjid An-Noor has a body wash and shrouding facility and there is a group of volunteers who help and assist in preparing the body for burial.

  3. The ISNF President sends out the Janazah announcement to the community indicating the time of Salatul Janazah. 

  4. There is a funeral fund through which modest amounts can be spent by ISNF for those who cannot afford the expenses.

  5. For complete details, please refer to the Guide for Islamic funerals in Western New York. Guide will download by clicking the following link: GuideToMuslimFuneralsInWesternNewYork

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